Senin, 28 September 2015


Kelas A
Kelompok 2

                     ANDIK PRASETYO                      155040100111022 
                     DEVI YUNITA SARI                     155040100111021
                     FITRIYAH                                      155040100111023 
                     NUR AZIZAH DYAHSAR            155040100111024 
                     LAILATUL QOMARIAH             155040100111025 
                     MAULINA PRAMESTI                155040101111002


            Building on a community’s assets rather than focusing on its needs for future development is the basic approach of asset-based community development. By focusing on succeses and small triumphs a positive community aoulook and vision for the future can be fostered.  This approach also focuses on a sustainable approach to development.

Definitions Of Community Development

            As noted in chapter  1 community development is both a process and an outcome, as seen in the various definitions from the literature. The one definition is  “Community building in all these efforts consist of actions to strengthen the capasity of communities to identify prioritas and opportunities and to foster and sustain positive neighborhood change” (Chaskin 2001: 291).

Critical Components Of These Definitions Include:

A place-based focus 

            Communities may be thought of as the neighborhoods, towns, villages, suburbs, or cities in which people live. In contrast, communities may also be interest based. Many people identify with groups of  people who share similar interests, for example, professional associations, sports teams, religious affiliations, services clubs.   

The building up or creation of assets

            Quality of life can refer to the economic, social, psychological, physical, and political society. Examples of indicators include: the number of violent crimes in the environment; hours worked in the median wage needed to support basic needs. The more the idea behind the development of society is to build resources and profits in a community so that the community and the individuals in it can be maintained over time.

The improvement of quality of live

            This is the idea that, unlike the rich people who not only have assets but acknowledge these assets and use them in the formal economy.

Aspects Of Community Development, Including:
1.      financial, economic, environmental, and social maintaining social

2.      The approach applies in general, particularly in relation to people who are not rich.

There Are Two Main Methods Of Community Development Approaches.

1.   Development Of A Needs-Based Society
Conventional national approach or tradition is to identify issues, problems and needs of the community.
Example: poverty or unemployment
Characteristics of a needs-based approach:
·         Focus on Problems and needs
·         More oriented in solving problems without seeing the cause of the problem.
·         Potential disappointments and failures from time to time.
2.   The Asset-Based Community Development.
Is to build capacity in the community to build and strengthen a community asset.
Examples: education and health
Characteristics of approaches asset-based:
·         focus on community capacity
·         oriented in the development of assets
·         oriented  strength and victory
The relationship between community needs and community assets:
Community needs        =>   community assets
Nemployed                  =>   businesses
truancy                        =>   School
illiteracy                      =>    libraries
Welfare recipients       =>   cultural Groups
crime                            =>  ider ly
Slum housing               =>  bloc club                                                            
(Devi Yunita Sari)

Asset Definition

            An alternative approach is asset-based community development, The asset-based approach focused on community capacity rather than on the deficits . Assets are shares in household wealth or other units. Individuals individuals, associations, local institutions, and organizations are useful and valuable in terms of asset-based community development. In the context of the economy, in the form of capital assets such as property, stocks and bonds, and cash. There are three types of capital: physical, human, and social. Physical capital is composed of the environment and natural resources. Human capital is defined as the skills, talents, and knowledge of community members. Social capital consists of formal and informal institutions and organizations, networks, and the ties that bind members of society together.              
(Andik Prasetyo)

           Bonding capital refers to bringing together people who already have established relationships or ties. In contrast, bridging capital refers to idea of widening individuals networks and ties. By establishing new networks or ties, people will have access to new information and more networks for sharing and using information.
In addition, social capital may be subdivided into various forms such as financial, political, and cultural. While these three forms can easily be separated from social capital and each other, social capital is central to these forms of community capital.
Weir (1988) discusses three categories of the relationships between community-based organizations (cbos) and local political systems. These categories include elite domination with weak ties to cbos, a political patronage system, and a more inclusionary system where community and political leaders overlap. Based on weir's categories, the exertion of political influence would differ between communities and the organizations within those communities.
One important concept to take from this discussion is that all forms of community capital are intricately linked together and are necessary for sustaining communities and achieving a better quality of life.

The Process Of Asset-Based Community Development

Figure 3.3 illustrates a community development process with four main steps. It is shown moving from community organizing to visioning to planning to implementation and evaluation and back to organizing. While the illustration moves from one to another and creates a feedback loop, community development is far more messy and non-linear in practice.
Every community is different, and the actual time it takes for each steps will differ as well. Some communities may be fairly organized and cohesive and can move through organizing, visioning, and planning in a short amount of time and spend the bulk of their time and effort on implementation.

Community organizing

Community organizing focuses on mobilizing people within a specific neighborhood or community. Mobilizing community residents involves direct action ranging from writing letters to the editor to organizing a protest outside the offices of the school district.
There are two strategies for mobilizing residents: social actions campaigns and the developments model. Social action campaigns are those direct actions, like the example above, that aim to change decisions, societal structures, and cultural beliefs.
There are several different models of 'community organizing (Rubin and Rubin 1992). The Alinsky model is probably the most popular and involves a professional organizer. Organizers work with organizations in the community to identify common issues. Conversely
, contact Boston Model welfare clients individually on their residence and rely heavily on appeals to the interests of each person. The association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has been blended Alinsky and Boston models. Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) Model emphasizes improtance intensive training organizers. This model is a direct descendant of the model Alinsky but stressed the importance of maintaining close links with existing community organizations. Community development corporation (CDC) using this development model to achieve the development goals of society. CDCs often represent the types of organizations that provide economic and social services in low-income neighborhoods and communities (Rubin and Rubin 1992).


Visioning is one method among many, such as future search, to establish a long-range view of a community. Box 3.1 provides a vision statement from the community.                           


During the planning phase there are at least three tasks in preparing an action plan : data collection and analysis, asset mapping, and a community survey. Data collection and analysis is important to understand current circumstances, changes occurring within a community overtime,and the implications of the data collected.
Asset mapping is an on going exercise. The purpose is to recognize the skills, knowledge and resources within a community. It is a good first step in beginning to understand the assets of a community.Community surveys can be useful in identifying issues at the beginnings stage of a planning process in our to refine particular ideas. A community survey will allow various organizations in a community to :
o  Gather information about public attitudes
o  Determine how the public ranks issues
o  Give the public avoice in determining policy
o  Evaluate current program and policies

Public Participation

Public participation determining the future of a community and how there community will get from Point A to Point B are important and endeavorse. Residents of a community need to participate in and get actively involved in determining the future course of the their community. If they do not, other will determine their future for them. Thus, public participation is critical to entire community development process. Effective public participation need to be both functional for the specific goals and meaningful to the public.(Maulina) 

Implementation And Evaluation

Actions in community development are where change occurs and where people can see tangible results. It is the phase where individuals, groups, and organizations  are active rather than passive participants in their community. Up until the implementation phase of a community development process, individuals and organizations have made a concerted effort to understand their assets, community attitudes, and opinion.(Maulina)

This chapter has defined asset-based comunity development in contrast to a needs-based approach and has touched upon the steps in a community development process


Asset-based commmunity development asset identification, community organizing, community participation, community revitalization, visioning, sustainable development, physical capital, social capital.

Review Questions

    1. What is asset-based development, and why is it different from past approaches?
answer : Asset-based community development is a promising approach to achieve a better quality of life and maintain a community not only from time to time or in terms of the economy, but through the development of all forms of capital required for community-based berkembang.Berbeda with community development needs to focus on the problem and requirements, asset-based approach focused on community capacity rather than on the deficit. The asset-based approach does not ignore the problems in society, but focuses first on the power and small victories in order to provide a positive perspective of society rather than disappointing.
    1. Define the types of assets that a community may have?
answer : Asset take various forms in society. Ferguson and Dickens (1999) speaks of the five forms of public capital: physical, human, social, financial, and political. Green and Haines (2007) identifies seven forms of community capital: physical, human, social, financial, environmental, cultural, and political. Rainey et al. (2003) present three forms of capital that they see as important: the human being, society (physical), and social. While there can be a debate about the forms of community capital and more importantly form then others, the important point here is that the community can identify its own capital assets themselves.
    1. Name some of the steps in the process of community development and discuss their importance.
Step in the process of community development and the importance of the development process include:a) The focus of the place-based, community can be considered as the environment, towns, villages, suburbs, or the cities where people live. It is rooted in the environment fisik.Bangunan or creation of assets Assets are the resources or benefits within a community b) Improving the quality of life, quality of life can refer to the economic, social, psychological, physical, and political society. Examples of indicators include: the number of violent crimes in the environment; hours worked in the median wage needed to support basic needs. The more the idea behind the development of society is to build resources and profits in a community so that the community and the individuals in it can be maintained over time.c) approach, while universal, isparticularly relevant to the non-rich This is the idea that, unlike the rich people who not only have assets but acknowledge these assets and use them in the formal economy.
    1. What is the importance of social relationships in community development?
answer : the importance of social relationships is essential to mobilize citizens and is an important component to the success of a project or program. Social capital consists of formal and informal institutions and organizations, networks, and the ties that bind members of society together. There are many forms of social capital - formal and informal, strong and weak, bonding and bridging - to name a species that is well defined. Formal ties or networks are those bonds formed through organizations such as service clubs, and is seen as the relationship lemah.Sebaliknya, capital binding on the idea of widening the individual networks and relationships. By building a new network or a bond, people will have access to new information and network more to share and use information.
    1. What are some chalengges to community development?
answer : The challenges of the process of community development is that they can be difficult, time consuming, and expensive, for example, when many diverse interests can not or will or find common ground on either the action or even the general direction society should take. Thus, finding a consensus and make compromises not only difficult, but it can take juga.Apabila creating a forum where diverse interests can discuss issues of importance to the improvement of society. It is difficult to maintain the interest and commitment to the business if the participants are not able to show success. While some forms of public participation are low, such as developing a web site, they may only act to inform the population rather than provide a way to collect the input and create partnerships.
(Lailatul Qomaria)